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Financial Counselling

What Financial Counsellors Do

Financial counsellors provide a free, confidential, and independent service.
Financial counsellors can:
  • Suggest ways to improve your financial situation
  • See if you are eligible for government assistance
  • Negotiate repayment arrangements with your creditors
  • Explain your options and their consequences, including debt recovery procedures, bankruptcy, and other alternatives
  • Help you apply for a hardship variation
  • Refer you to other services, for example, a gambling helpline, family support, personal, counselling, or community legal aid
Financial counsellors can also help with the following problems:
  • Debts that you are struggling to pay
  • Threatening letters of harassment by debt collectors
  • Debt recovery through courts
  • House eviction, disconnection of gas, electricity, phone, etc
  • Uninsured car accidents, taxation debts, and unpaid fines

If you would like to make a financial counselling appointment give us a call at the Gawler office on 8522 4522 or stop by the office to book an appointment.

Would you like more information on financial counselling?

Money Smart is a website from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission with information about your rights and tips on managing your money.
You can find more information about financial counsellors from South Australian Financial Counselling Association and Financial Counselling Australia.